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actor though not as a Shakespearean actor. He said that in "Monte Christo" he was very fine. I asked him what had become of him. He said he had taken up with some woman with whom he was travelling about, that he was dissipated and as I inferred leading a dissolute wandering life. Booth has very little respect for most of the actors. Gertrude went to see him in Richelieu at the matinee yesterday and last evening we went to see him in the "Stranger" and as Petruchio, characters in marked contrast.

Thursday Jan 25. 1877. We dined at the Platts on Sunday in company with Gifford and went from there to tea at Bayard Taylors and to spend the evening. Colman & his wife came in and Genl. Palmer and his wife. Genl. Palmer carried off my hat when he went. Tuesday and Monday Booth stood for me as Othello and I think I am going to make this best figure of all of this. We were invited to the opening of the Water Color Society Monday evening but did not go. I have a great aversion to receptions and crowded places unless to go to some place like the theatre and even that does not attract me. But I feel so much more happy and contented now that my wife is here I have none of the melancholy and despondency that I had a few weeks ago and am interested in my work. I show my Booth pictures now to almost every one who wants to see them.  A Miss Benheim of Boston came today with a letter from Anthony and I showed them to her. Booth came with Mr. McVickar and he seemed to like the pictures very much and recognized Booth in all of them. We dined at the Wheelers with the