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foreground. I intend to paint a winter landscape the distance running off into a dark horizon. Have painted on it all day today but it is too realistic. It does not promise as well as I could wish but I hope to make it better. Mr. Hurlburt called and told me he kept liking my picture better and better. This ought to induce him to buy another but he evidently dont think of that. Bayard & Mrs. Taylor dined with us last night and we had as we always do a pleasant time. I begin to have a few visitors but not many. I. G. Brown was in yesterday and told me his sales so far this winter amounted to $3000 whereas mine outside the Booth pictures are $500. This is a test of our relative popularity.

Friday Feb 2" 1877. Attended a meeting of the trustees at the Century last night. Taylor and Eastman Johnson are on this year. Eastman with characteristic blundering got into the committee on admissions and did not discover his mistake until told. He and Taylor and I staid at the club talking until 12 oclock. This morning I went to see Bangs and Merriam about selling the Vanderlyn engravings as the Leavitts have disregarded my note and also a request I made personally that they should send some one to look at them. Bangs & Merriam promise to send a man in a day or two. Walked down to see the Brooklyn Bridge. It is a vast and wonderful structure. They have the foot walk nearly across. The ice and mud in the down town streets are a sight to behold. It has rained today and has been warm for several days.

Sunday 4. Snedecor brought a Mr & Mrs. Wright of Boston to my studio yesterday. They are buying pictures and came to see mine. Did not buy but seemed interested and I hope 

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