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are wonderful beyond description. In the crowd on the opposite side of the street, which has stopped to regard a picture of the art of the tattooing a man, painted on an enormous transparency on a wagon, was a man afflicted with a particular nervous disease and who attracted as much notice as the Museum. Saw in Canal St. a mother stop with a little child in her arms, to show it a gaily painted wooden figure of an Indian Woman. The delight of the child was unbounded.

Saturday March 24. 1877. The weather is warm and spring like. Walked again in the Bowery. I like to look in at the pawnbrokers windows and to see the queer types of people one meets there. Today an old woman walked ahead of me who had made a hood of gentlemens hat linings. The gilt stamp was in the center of the crown and the old woman was talking to herself. Miss Leggett who called on me some time ago to illustrate a poem, which I declined, came again yesterday thinking as she said that as she had decided to have the designs photographed instead of cut in wood I might be induced to make a drawing. She showed me a drawing of Fredericks and a cut from it which was an almost exact reproduction. Mr. Bryant has written her a beautiful poem "The Song Sparrow" one of his very best. I promised to make her a drawing and did one yesterday and another today so that she can take her choice. She is a bright, energetic young woman of a good family I conclude, who has set out to take care of herself and has a book store in Broadway.