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was unconstitutional. Sontag came in. He is an Academician and a member of the council and sent only one picture which was hung over a door. His eyes filled with tears as he saw it but we all sympathized with him and made him feel better. Now comes a hot demand for a meeting to change the constitution by the very men who instituted this idiotic law. I will stop short of nothing but a return to the old way of putting all power in the hands of the Council. Rained all day At 4 I had to go down to Bangs's to attend the sale of the Vanderlyn engravings. They sold much better than I expected. I bought a number. Got home and found Beard and Hubbard in my room battling with Gertrude about their hanging of the pictures. Beard has his hands full now to defend LeClear who with Miller takes the burden of the odium of the hanging. Tonight the Reception to which we did not go. Too tired and besides have lost interest in the Academy Receptions. 

Wednesday 4. Gertrude and I went to the Academy yesterday where we met Julia Dillon. Had a look at the pictures and then went on a hunt for a spring bonnet. In the evening attended a glee club concert for Nilssons benefit, at Chickering Hall. Today at the Academy in the forenoon. No more pictures sold but a gentleman had his overcoat stolen. Went up to Giffords room and had a long talk with him. Wrote to Sadie. Taylor had a judicious notice of the Academy opening in the Tribune yesterday. 

Thursday 5. Fitch asked me for a picture for the Century on Saturday as the Russian Grand Dukes are to be there. I had nothing new but coming to my room I took up a canvas 18 x 28 which I had already prepared and commenced a picture from one of my Deans Corner Studies. Just as I began the sky Mrs. Monnell 

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