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on the ground that they had made no mistakes, thereby in my opinion losing an opportunity to release themselves from a load of odium that they will never recover from. The whole proceedings were entirely unsatisfactory to me and weaken my attachment to the institution. Whittredge made a capital address and showed great wisdom in his ideas of the government of the Academy.

Wednesday Apl 25" 1877. Went home Saturday morning with 7:15 train. A splendid morning but soon became cold and cloudy. Saw fine cloud effects on the way up. Meant to have gone to Glen Erie fishing with Col. John but he was unexpectedly called away and besides the weather was too cold and showery. Sunday night went down to Pokeepsie with the Baldwins. Major Wilkinson met me, in the dock and we walked up. Mary and Alice were there, Alice grown a fine young woman and soon to be married. In the Sunday World saw the death of Irving which greatly shocked me as he was well a day or two before I left. Found since I returned that he died on Saturday leaving a wife and eight children the oldest 17 and an aged father. He belonged to our Mutual Aid society. Monday Major & I went trout fishing on Cold Spring Went out towards Pine Plains on the rail road. It was a windy day and we caught nothing. It was a lively brook winding along through meadows and it was a joy to walk along it. Went home same evening and returned to N.Y. Tuesday by 11.55 train. Coale called and invited Gifford, Hubbard & me to dine with him at the St. Nicholas which we did after which Coale and I went to Hellers performance which was most wonderful and interesting. After the performance went to the club for a while.

Friday Apl 27. Hall and I went to the Bowery theatre Wednesday evening. The play was Uncle Toms Cabin and was too good to be amusing