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summer. I returned Monday and attended the Council meeting for the last time unless called for some special purpose. My father started on Monday on a visit to his brothers to be gone a couple of weeks at least. I tried to paint a small picture yesterday but I feel unsettled and have no pictures of feeling. I need now to go somewhere to sketch for a while but the trouble is to know where to go and then to find a companion. I am afraid as I grow older my enthusiasms vanish.

Monday June 11. 1877. Came down from Rondout today. Gertrude went to Boston to attend Alice's wedding last Monday 4th. On Tuesday Major Wilkinson and I went to the Willowemoc and the Beaver Kill on a fishing expedition returning Saturday. We had a very pleasant time and found the country charming. We did not catch many trout but there are plenty there. The streams were low and yet we saw some fine trout caught while we were there. The good streams are being taken up by clubs now and soon there will be no fishing except for those belonging to them. I found a letter here from Gertrude and one from Booth. It is very triste here but I find it lovely at home too. Edwin White died a few days ago in Saratoga. I knew he was in poor health but had no idea he was so near his end. The last time I saw him he seemed crushed and broken and I learn that the severe criticism on his pictures in the Academy last year had a very serious effect upon him. George North died on Saturday from the effects of a wound on his face at the battle of Chantilly. He has suffered greatly and it is a relief to think he is at rest. Dined at Philips with Hall and in the evening went round to Taylors.

Tuesday 12. Worked on the little picture for Seavy and completed it. Dined with Fred Norton at Delmonicos and spent the evening at Eastman Johnsons. I wrote to Mr. Hoe on Monday that I would exchange my "Autumn Idyl" for his "Kaatskill brook and $650. He spoke to me one evening about exchanging and I thought afterward that he might have