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considered that I did not treat his proposition with sufficient consideration. I apologized for my apparent but not intentional abruptness and assured him that I only made the proposal because I thought he wanted the picture and that he would like to exchange. I received a polite note from him thanking me for my consideration but intimating that he could not afford to buy any more pictures soon. I always feel a certain sense of having compromised myself whenever I do a thing of this kind and still there is really nothing improper in this proposition as I was quite indifferent as to whether he accepted or not. 

I met Julian Scott Tuesday on Broadway and he said a friend of his wanted a little picture of mine. He made an appointment to come to my studio Wednesday at noon with him. I went up to the Art Museum with Calvert, to see the new galleries in the Park and when I returned Scott was here and waited for his friend but he did not come. He thought he would come today but he has not. I went up home and spent the night with Calvert and returned today. I regret that I see so little of Mary and her children. Burger came up and spent the night but had to return very early this morning.

They are no longer children and I seem to have lost something precious out of my life when I think of it. 

Tuesday June 26" 1877. Here in N.Y. this hot weather. Sara and I came down on the Powell a week ago yesterday and we went on to Boston together Monday evening to attend Alice Sawyers wedding which occurred Thursday 21" and was a very pleasant affair. About sixty of her friends were present and after the ceremony they left for the White Mts. I remained there until last night when I returned by the Providence line leaving Gertrude there. Sara went yesterday by boat to St. John to visit Gussie at