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Got back to Goshen and took sleeping car to Richmond Thursday night. In Richmond called on David Anderson whom I have not seen for 30 years. Very hot. Suffered much from heat ever since and left White Sulphur. Too hot to go about Richmond. Took steamer at 3am for the first time in a week got cool. Passed the historic battlefields by daylight and through Dutch Gap. Were in Norfolk all day Saturday taking on freight. Comfortable in the morning but very hot in the afternoon. Terrific thunderstorms as we left at 7 and grand effects of skies. Arrived in N.Y. Monday morning about 10 o'clock. Staid on board until 6 and took carriage to studio where we bathed and had breakfast. Went out and attended to some business, had dinner and went to bed early and on Tuesday took day boat for home where we arrived about 3 very glad to be back. The Centennial celebration of the inauguration of Gen. Geo. Chester occurred at Kingston on Monday (yesterday) 30. We just missed it by a day. It was a great success.

Saturday Aug 4" 1877. My Father and Mothers golden wedding occurred today. Out of respect to my mothers wishes we made it a strictly family affair. No one outside the family being invited. All the children and grandchildren were present except Susie and her family and Lucy and her family. We gave simple presents a "chronicle" was read from Miss Sophie McAdams and a poem from Miss Burden and congratulatory letters were received from the absent children. The day was perfect in temperature with almost an early autumn coolness and altogether the occasion though quietly observed was very enjoyable and satisfactory to my Father and Mother and to all of us. I have had some cards engraved announcing the event which they are to send to all their friends. There were present Calvert, Mary, Burger, During, Julia & Mariane Vaux, Girard and his wife and child, Maurice, Gertrude and I & Mrs. Davis