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Trombones of Beef
Haut-boiled mutton
Stewed chickerings - Steinway Sauce
Fiddlet of veal
Kettle Drumsticks

Green Cornet
Tubas, mashed
Violin String Beans.

Cabinet organ pudding
Mandoline Tarts.

Sackbut - French Horns.

cleaned the well yesterday the water of which had became offensive. found two dead toads to our great disgust.

Saturday Aug. 11. 1877. My father and mother received a very charming congratultory note from Geo. Wm. Custis today to which I replied for them. We finished the well yesterday, took off the top corners and laid them anew in cement and painted the joints inside the main working until after dark. I worked so hard that I had a headache today but have been able to keep around. Received a letter from Morris & Schwab one from Mathews the Auctioneer regarding the St Louis exhibition both of which I answered. We also had a letter from May Gifford. It has been a perfect day after a shower yesterday.

Sunday Aug. 12. A Mr. Gobright is here, a reformed drunkard engaged in a temperance mission. Yesterday Sara and Gertrude went down town and got him to come up here to have a talk with Maurice who seems very anxious to try to reform. The result has been that he attended the Temperance meeting at the church today with my father and mother and Sara and Gertrude and signed the pledge. While the mere signing the pledge is no guaranty of reform I think it in his case a most important movement as in this way he