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can find a couple of weeks sketching in that  region. We have had copious rains, the weather is perfect and the country is so much more inviting than when I went away.

Wrote to Edwd. C. Riddle the price of the pictures he drew at the Homeopathic fair, to Mrs. Butterfield about getting Eastman Johnson to paint the portrait of her son and to Morris and Schwab to return my picture by Nov. 1 or at the latest Nov. 10 and that Eastman wants his sent with it.

Sunday Oct. 21 1877
Went to East Davenport in Delaware Co. on Tuesday last, where I spent one day looking along the Charlotte river to see if I could find work for a week or so, but failed to be interested. The Autumn color now very gorgeous there but there was nothing in the character of the region to interest me. I had to spend my evenings in the bare room of the hotel and while the house was sufficiently comfortable the village journeymen who lounged about the tavern were disgustingly vulgar and obscene. If I had found the scenery of Paradise I could not have staid among such people to paint it. After staying over one night I returned to Stanford where I spent the night and took the early train for Deans Corners which looked attractive as I passed up. I had my trunk put off but on inquiry of the station agent found I could get no place to stay and so came on the Shandanen but by the time I got there I reflected that I had been there a few weeks ago and found nothing so I came home with a baffled and discouraged feeling. In the afternoon took a walk down around by Steep Rocks but felt anew that my interest in things hereabout is gone. Friday put up the hall stove and the double sashes in the windows. Saturday a North East storm set in. We all went to Mr. McEntees to tea. Today it has rained all day. Mary & Marian are still here. Received a letter from Lucy on Friday, and more photographs. We just