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up the hall stove and started a fire in it on Saturday and also in our stove although we have had no frost yet.

Monday Oct. 22. 1877. It has rained steadily since Friday night and cleared off this afternoon showing snow in the mountains back of the overlook.

Tuesday 23. A bright beautiful October day with such color. Pa, May, Marian, Sara and Gertrude went to High Falls. I went for a long walk over the hills back of Ludlums and around by the Roatina and Steep Rocks home. It seems to me now I shall never go there again. I exhausted this region when it was more quiet and less invaded. Now it suggests no more pictures to me and every time I take a walk into the suburbs of the town I think it will be the last. I have seen great changes in this region and feel that I have outgrown or exhausted whatever interest it once had. I am doing nothing this beautiful weather. I have a bad cold and do not feel well but worse than that I am mentally ill. Nothing suggests pictures to me. I have no power to compose or create any thing and often it seems to me my work is done now when there is such imperative need of my doing more than I have ever done before. We had the first frost of the season last night but a very slight one.

Thursday 25. Mary, Marian, Sara, Gertrude and I took a ride out on the Flat bush river road yesterday expecting to get mushrooms where we saw a quantity a few days ago, but we found none. I commenced a little picture yesterday and have worked on it today but I cant get up much interest. Mary & Marian went home this morning much to our regret.

Saturday 27. I made a sketch yesterday out of the parlor window of the autumn color. It was a rainy day and the color was fine but my sketch was not satisfactory. In the afternoon I made another out of our west window. Today has been rainy. Tom and I put up the hall stove, the one in my mothers room and the one in the