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Thursday Nov 22. 1877. May Gifford went with us to the choral Union last night. She returned home today after dinner much to our regret. She likes to come here and we always enjoy her visits.  

Monday 26. A violent rain storm yesterday and the weather as warm as spring. The rain has continued at intervals today. The U.S. Steamer Huron  was lost on the coast of North Carolina on Saturday night and over a hundred lives lost. I have painted a late autumn picture 12 x 20 the past week from which I hope to paint a larger one. Anxiety and worry day by day. Am going to New York a week from today. Last week received a letter from B.F. Butler asking me to make one of a party of about a dozen gentlemen to dine together once a week. Wrote him I would be glad to. Received a note from Nash the Jeweler wanting me to send him a picture for sale. The Literary Club was to have met at John McEntees tonight but was postponed on account of the threatening weather. 

Friday 30. Yesterday Thanksgiving day Girards family dined with us. We had invited Miss Nixon who could not come. We also invited Mr. Crounse and Mr. Stillman neither of whom came. We did not have a very happy time owing to Maurice who has been in the sulks for several days. He is the most difficult person to live with I ever saw and keeps us all unhappy with his ungovernable temper. Have been informed that I am to read the essay before the Literary Club at the first meeting in January. Began it yesterday. Michael Angelo. His character and his influence in Art. I find it extremely difficult to manage. It rained all day. Wrote to Lambdin from whom I received a letter a few days ago. 

Monday Dec. 10" 1877. Left home last Monday Dec. 3. Dined with Eastman Johnson and the next morning feeling symptoms of one of my headaches resolved to go back home, which I did by the 11 o'clock