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train. Had a pretty bad headache but got along with it better than I hoped. The next day had threatenings of inflammation of the bowels for which Sara prescribed and for two or three days was quite ill and very glad I had come home. I remained there until today when I returned feeling entirely recovered. Mr. & Mrs. Platt were on the train. They invited me to dine with them but I declined for today but dine with them on Thursday. Burger and I dined together. Found a legal paper from the Commissioner of Jurors calling me to appear at the Court House to answer as to my liability as a Juror on or before Dec 10. which is today. After dinner I went up to Platts to see what I must do. Met Mr. Goodman there and he is going with me tomorrow morning to see about it.- It was a great trial to leave home. Responsibilities press upon me and the future is full of doubt, still I hope to get to work and thus to forget my anxieties. Everything depends upon me and my efforts and I hope I may produce good work which alone will encourage me.

Monday Dec. 12. 1877. Went down to the [[strikethrough]] City [[/strikethrough]] Court House yesterday with Mr. Goodman whom I met at Platts and had no difficulty in being taken off the list of Jurors to my infinite relief. After I got back tried to design a picture but could get nothing to please me. Burger and I dined together and spent part of the evening with me and after he left I wrote a little on my essay on Michael Angelo. Today I awoke with a cold in my head and did not go out until evening. I worked away at my design for a picture 24 x 42 and finally arranged a composition which is more satisfactory. I have worked on it all day and shall be happy when I get it all to my mind and can work continuously on it. Took a walk towards evening and on my re=