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Monday evening the Literary Club met at our house and I read my essay on Michael Angelo treating of his character and his influence in Art, which was favorably received and for which I got more compliments than I deserved. It had snowed and rained Sunday night and was foggy all day but cleared up towards evening so that about thirty people came. The meeting was very pleasant and apparently much enjoyed by all. I was a little frightened for a time but finally got over it. Came down to day at noon. Stopped and paid my fathers mine and Calverts taxes amounting to $64.80 Our nice little kitten a lineal descendant of our funny old cat was found dead under the back porch this morning much to our regret. I felt melancholy and lonely at leaving Gertrude and it was a real trial for her to have me come. I see no prospect as yet for having her come down. 

Saturday Jan. 19. 1878. Dined with Taylor last night. He read me parts of his new poem which strikes me as the most important of his practical work. Booth stood for me in Iago on Monday and Wednesday and I finished it changing the expression and making it less "stagey." He stood for me again yesterday in Ruy Blas but I did not accomplish much. Thursday I worked all day on my large picture. The light was good, no one interrupted me and I accomplished a great deal. Am going home today. The weather is like summer after two or three cold days. 

Tuesday Jan. 22. Went home Saturday and found Gertrude suffering from a bad tooth and a swelled face which made her ill. Came