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played the farce first. I was in his dressing room all the time. Mrs. Booth came in time and played Portia very nicely indeed. Mis Carys mother died about the time the stage manager announced her illness. Poor Miss Cary is alone. She is from Australia and has no relations here. Booth seemed to pity her greatly for he says she is a helpless sort of a person. Monday evening saw Booth in Othello which he acted particularly well. Painted all day Tuesday & Wednesday. Wednesday evening attended the Fraternity at Mr. Lewis. Vaux read a paper on play which was remarkably well written as well as well read. I went home with Mrs. Groot and Mrs. Stedman. Staid a while at Stedmans and did not get home until midnight. Wrote to Gertrude Tuesday and yesterday. Today a blinding snow storm has prevailed. Booth came and staid for a while. In the evening I attended the Trustees meeting at the Century. It was snowing and blowing furiously. Girard came in and dined with me.

Friday Feb 1. Mr & Mrs Dod did not come on account of the storm which lasted through today and into the evening. I am greatly disappointed and worried about a note of my fathers for $500 due on Wednesday. I hoped that possibly Mr. Dod would take my picture at some price. Girard dined with me and staid all night. I wrote a note to Pinchot strongly recommending Weir to go to Paris in charge of the pictures and after dinner called at his house but he had gone. I however saw him afterwards at the Private view of the Water Color Society. He seemed to favor Weir and said the others did. Had a pleasant evening at the Water Color rooms where they have a good exhibition. Wrote to Gertrude.

Saturday 2. Have sent a note by messenger to Mr. Dod to tell him I would be here on Monday    

Transcription Notes:
I'm not sure about the 2 at the end of the page. Also, I'm not sure if the amount of money is $500 or 1500