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has not a particle of tact. I never talked with him that he didnt irritate me, and I find that others are beginning to discover the same thing.

Sunday Feb. 3. 1878 Went to Dr Bellows church and heard an excellent sermon on the Divine Paternity. Sat with the Platts, who wanted me to go home to dinner, but I had engaged to dine with the Taylors which I did and had a pleasant time as I always do. Went to Platts to tea. Greene came in and also Gifford and his wife.

Monday 4. Mr & Mrs. Dod and a young lady came at 2 o clock. Mrs Dod liked the picture and he told me to send it over to his house at such a price as I chose to put on it, which was the act of a gentleman and which I will show him I hold in high respect. Went to the dinner of the "G.B. Club" at "[[Suphatines]]" Present McDonough, Whittredge, Collins, Robt. Gordon, Lord Prof. Newberry, Dr. Potter of Grace Church, Dr Noyes Judge Sedgwick, Dr Otis, Mr Pellem, Mr. Nash. We had an excellent dinner. I was introduced to Dr. Potter who seems a pleasant genial man.

Friday 5. Wrote to Mr. Dod that I would send the picture today and would put the price at $1050. If that did not suit him he might fill out his check as he thought proper. Mrs. Booth called with Mrs. Hoyt a daughter of Genl. Scott and a very pretty woman, to see the Booth pictures. Mrs. Booth who had not seen them for a year said they pleased her as well as ever. Went to the theatre to see Richelieu. Took Calvert. Called on the Cardinal in his dressing room. Slept badly I think on account of the sewer gas which pervades the city. Called on Mrs Stone who was not at home - at the Boardmans. Stopped at the Club