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left on Monday morning. Found Joe Jenkins there. Sunday evening we all went over to John McEntees. Gertrude and I took a walk Sunday towards Kingston. Mr. Blannset ((?)) us. He told me he had written Dr. Holland recommending and offering my essay on Michael Angelo for the ((Serubim?)). The Dr. replied that he knew McEntee and believed in him but that they had accepted a paper on Michael Angelo from Clarence Cook. Blansett meant to borrow this from me (indeed I had agreed to lend it) and then sent it without my knowledge. I told him I was very glad the scheme had failed. Girard and I came down Monday morning by the St. Louis Express getting here at 11. My room was in disorder but as soon as it was ready I went to work on my picture and worked all afternoon on it. Dined with the G.B. Club and had a pleasant time as usual. This morning went out for my usual walk and to do some errands. The wind blew a gale and the dust flew in clouds. Ordered a frame for my "Over the hills and far away" from ((?)) and one for "The wings of the Morning" from Wilmont. both to be here in time for the Academy. Painted on my picture until 1 o'clock when Booth came and I went at the Richard and worked until nearly five and advanced it considerably. Mr. & Mrs. Whitehead called to invite me to dinner but didnt when they learned Gertrude was not here. Whitehead told me that Genl. Sharp wanted a picture of me, a brilliant autumn and wanted me to let him know when I had one. I think my "The year smiles" would suit him and I am going to send for it to Buffalo. Called at Taylors but he was lecturing in Bronx at the club. Just as I was leaving Stoddard came in and asked me to write a letter recommending Edwd. Smith for the club. I