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called to pack it and another picture to be sent to Doll & Richards. Sent another note to Whitehead to tell him that my picture would be here only a day or two. Do not think he means to come but thought I would do all I reasonably could to notify him. Told Avery in my note I had promised my picture to Doll and would probably want it on Friday again. Went to see Purdy to see if I could get any information from him but could not. Mrs. Palmer and Isabel called yesterday. Have not seen them for many years. These are very anxious and discouraging days. No one seems to take the least interest in the work of the American Artists. I have sold only one picture this whole winter. Called on the Taylors at the Westminster. They returned on Monday. Found Bancroft there. Mr. Cardin came in to talk about the grand dinner to Taylor tomorrow. Read us Bryants speech he is to make which was very happy, also a letter from Holmes.

Thursday 4. To the Academy to see Mrs. Durfee to see if she knows Mr. C. P. Huntington the rail road man and to tell her of my picture. She came to see it. Knows Mr. H and thinks he will like it but his partner has just died and no knowing whether she can get hold of him, but is going to try. Bancroft called. Freer and his wife and Frank Waller called. Freer took no interest in my picture and said nothing about it which quite disappointed me. I dont think he would like to have me sit in his studio in front of a new and important picture and take no notice of it. Tonight the grand dinner to Taylor. Buyer bro't us the arrangement of the tables which he printed. I was one of the first invited and 