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being highly imaginative which was all the more grateful to me as he did not like it when he saw it at first. It seems to have excited no little attention but the Artists say nothing to me about it and I know what that means. From the Club to Dr. Normand Smiths where we had a pleasant visit and then home through wind and clouds of dust. 

Monday 8. Dined with the "G.Bs" Eastman and I were the dinner committee and it all went off more than usually satisfactorily. The invited guests were Howard Potter, Mr. Stebbins, Mr. Vail and Vaux. Sunday we called at Dr. Smiths and in the evening attended a reception to Taylor at Stoddards which was very pleasant. 

[[strikethrough]] Friday [[/strikethrough]] Tuesday Apl 9. 1878. We attended a most brilliant reception to the Taylors at Mrs. A. B. Stones this evening. Gertrude particularly enjoyed it as she met all her old friends there. Mary went with us.

Wednesday 10. Received a note from Whitelaw Reid asking me to a farewell dinner to Taylor at the Union League Club this evening. On arriving there I was surprised to find so distinguished a company comprising Reid, Taylor, Royal Phelps, Chas Dudley Warner, Edwards Pierrepont Bryant, Wm Astor, Wayne Neal [[?]], Wm. Walter Phelps, Murat Halstead, W. D. Howells, Mayor Ely President Barnard, John Bigelow, F. E. Church, M. O. Roberts, Saml. J. Tilden, Thurston Weed, Peter Cooper, Genl. Hancock, Hugh McCulloch The dinner was most elegant, served on a great round table loaded with flowers. I was seated between Howells who I met last evening and Mayor Ely both of whom I found delightful companions. M. O. Roberts was exceedingly friendly to me when he found I