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half what I ask for it. I went up to see Miss Durfee and told her to tell the man I would take $900 but that if he would not give that to leave his offer open until the end of the exhibition. I told Miss Durfee frankly I was very anxious to sell and that I would take that rather than not sell it. Fred Norton came down in the train with me. 

Tuesday May 21. 1878. Booth sat to me today as Brutus. Capt. Parsons called Wanted me to criticize some of his poetry but I got out of it awkwardly I presume. Had a circular from Armstrong saying he was going to appoint someone to sell the American pictures in the exposition and asking if mine is for sale and the price. Durning and I dined together at the St. Dennis. Went to his room after dinner He found a telegram from Joe Tomkins asking him to go to Rondout to await instructions about coming on to Hillsboro to take Dwights place who is sick. Called at the Thurbers They were out. Went to the Club. Wrote a letter to Gertrude after I got home which I sent by Durning and I also wrote a letter of sympathy to John Wolfer. Was at Eastman Johnsons last evening. Booth told me today he meant to give me a thousand dollars when I finish the three remaining pictures instead of three hundred he will owe me. He is thoroughly generous and sympathetic. 

Wednesday 22. Maurice came in today while Booth was sitting to me as Brutus and told me of the death of poor dear Dwight. They had a telegram last night briefly announcing it. His father had established him in business in Rockland Maine where he was attacked with typhoid fever. They got him home and he died on Tuesday I think. I felt a wave of desolation sweep over me