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his appreciation of it but it was only a question whether he could have it at that price or not have it at all. It was very nice of him to come and see me and I let him know that I appreciated it. Booth stood again for Brutus but I got on slowly. Mrs. Weeks and Miss Blake called. Calvert came in while Mr. Wickes was here and he talked to him about building a house in Newbury where he owns a place. Burger and I dined together. I deposited my thousand dollar check and this with the money for my Academy picture will enable me to pay my bills which is a great relief to me and for this much I suppose an American artist fifty years old ought to be thankful.

Monday May 27 1878. Went home by the Powell on Saturday. Gertrude and I had a charming ride on Sunday along the river road and around back of Hurley Hill. They all felt very sad about Dwights death and were glad to have me at home. Uncle Patrick my fathers oldest brother died peacefully on May 19 and was buried before we even knew of it. My father meant to have started for there today but now will only go to Uncle Philips. He went this morning. I came down by Wallkill Valley. Called on the Thurbers this evening but they were out. Wrote to Gertrude. It has been warm today.

Thursday 30. Went to New Haven yesterday on Weirs invitation. In the train found Calvert, Guy, I.G. Brown, Van Elten, Henry, Walter and Peabody. Carriages met us at the depot and took us to the Art School. Visited the school and the galleries and spent a delightful hour with Prof. Marsh in the Peabody Museum. Returned to the Art School and sat down to a nice dinner with the President and several of the professors.