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the colored waiters of the Powell up to sing for the ladies and several of the neighbors came in to hear them.

Thursday 11. A cool comfortable day. Gussie and Laura went to N.Y. by the Powell. Joe Mrs. Davis, Gertrude and I took a ride out on the Saugerties road crossing over to Flatbush road. Tom began to cut the wheat today and this evening it has rained a little with a promise of more tomorrow.

Friday 12. A cool, sober grey day. Began to rain gently about dinner time

Saturday 13. Girard, John McEntee and I went fishing out on the Wallkill at the powder works. It is a very pretty place. Maurice & Sara went to Lake Mohawk.

Sunday 14. My fiftieth birthday. My fortieth which I spent at Kenilworth in England with perhaps a more solemn sense of gathering years seems hardly ten years away.

Monday 15. Joe and Gussie left for home via Troy.

Tuesday 16. Worked all day on a screen. Weather cool and pleasant. Mary and Marian came this evening by the Powell. Rcvd a letter from Gussie from Greenfield saying they arrived there without fatigue and that Joe stood the journey well. They have had extremely hot weather in St. Louis and the heated wave is coming this way followed by a cooler one.

Wednesday 17. We took a ride out to Aunt Katrinas pond this forenoon to get water lillies. Very warm going out but cooler coming back against a stiff south breeze. Received a most pitiful letter from Mrs. Cross yesterday which I answered today sending her $5. I wrote a letter to W.H. Vanderbilt enclosing her note. Recd. a letter from Miss Durfee which I answered.