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Sunday Aug 4, 1878. Wrote to Lucy Thursday I have been at work all week trimming the wagon. The weather has been perfect and warm while I am busy I am as happy and contented as one could wish. Constant employment is the secret of content. Yesterday afternoon my Mother, Gertrude, Mrs. Davis, Sara and I went out to the Sawkill ford where they fished and I drew in a sketch. It was a perfect afternoon. It rained on Thursday, there was no dust and no mud and the country was as charming as it could possibly be. Saw a picture for Saturday afternoon a dozen men with a wagon piled up with grain getting in the last load of vats. Hersey Hill in the background.

Tuesday 6. Wrote to Gussie Sunday. Yesterday a curious foggy atmosphere persisted all day. Today we have had frequent and heavy showers. This afternoon a great black cloud caught swept over us from the West promising a tornado but it only gave us a heavy rain. Burger, Grant Van Deusen and King Putnam arrived from Alpine in their canoes. They left there Saturday. I have finished the wagon. Wrote to Booth to come and make us a visit anytime this month with his wife and Edwina. Received a letter from Miss Durfee yesterday asking me to send a picture to Pittsburgh, suggesting the one she has at her room "The Year Smiles &c" Wrote her to do as she pleased about sending it.

Wednesday 7. Picnic at Leggs Mills for Burger and King Putnam. A splendid day after the rain and the affair was a great success. I went down to the head of the Glen Erie Falls with Gertrude, Maurice, Mrs. Van Duesen and Miss Fanny Lee. We stopped at Ten Broeck Sharps place, a charming situation but the house deserted. Farm sold in a mortgage. The day was an ideal one.

Thursday 8. Got the wagon down from the carriage house and finished the cushion for the backboard. Washed the wagon, cleaned the harness and at 4 o'clock took Gertrude Frannie & Miss Lee for a charming drive across the creek, down the river road and around by Capt. Andersons home. Had to stop