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half an hour at Annis old place on account of a shower. When we got home found Haven Putnam and Dr. Sykes [[Sachs]] here - came from Lake Mohawk on their way to Story Clare &c.

Sunday Aug 11, 1878. Miss Lee and Maurice went to Clarmont on Friday. I have been busy building a private "office" and varnishing the one horse wagon. Wrote to Booth a few days ago inviting him and his wife and Edwina up here any time this month. Received a letter from him yesterday saying they would come if convenient on Thursday evening and stay until Monday and pleased with the idea of making us a visit. Wrote him today and gave him a card of introduction to Capt. Anderson. We were all over at Johns this evening and ate a fine watermelon which Jansen Anderson brought over. Sara goes to Ocean Beach tomorrow with Frannie for a week and takes little Louis Anderson with her.

Wednesday 14. Monday my Mother, Mrs. Davis, Gertrude and I took a ride down the river road in Euphus. It was a perfect day and the river was as beautiful as I ever saw it. Saw several things I would like to paint. Today has been pretty warm. Was hard at work down at the Carriage house with my overalls on when Gertrude came down to tell me Mr. Henry M. Field was here. He dined with us and went out on the train to Stamford where he is to recline this evening. Letter from Gussie and one from Sara. Little Lewis contented and they having a good time. Pa paid our Aug. 1 interest yesterday but had to have a note of $400 discounted to do it. Note Aug 3 Mos. Due Nov.

Thursday 15. Went to a picnic at the 5" Binnewater by invitation of the Nortons. Mrs. Curtis and "Aunt Phoebe" were there. A beautiful grey day. My father & Mother fortunately came home by 5 o'clock train. We were to come at 7 but the Spring Town bridge had settled stopping the train and we never left there until 11 o'clock. Meanwhile the Booths were to arrive and I was to meet them. My father had been waiting