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at the station for us ever since 7 o'clock. Fortunately Maurice went down to meet the Booths and we found them at the house when we arrived, Booth. Mrs B. and Edwina who had gone to bed. Jamie and the little baby were along in the pic nic and were pretty well tired out when we got home. 
[[stamp]] 121 [[/stamp]]

Monday Aug. 19. 1878. Friday afternoon Booth and I took a ride over the creek along the river road and came back by S. Rondout. Hot and dusty a part of the way coming home. Saturday after dinner he and Girard, Maurice & I went out to Glen Erie fishing. It was very dusty. A heavy shower came up while we were there and we did not get home until half past 8. They have just gone by the day boat after having had a very pleasant visit. I think they enjoyed it very much. A letter from Miss Durfee regarding my "Wings of the Morning." Asked if I would sell it for stock in the Grand Trunk R.R. paying 15 pct interest. Wrote her yesterday, but not definitely as to the offer. Wrote to Howard Wilmurt, to Menger sending him an order for the "Sources of the Delaware" for Louisville and to E. A. Maginness. Yesterday was one of the loveliest of days - fine, sweet and tender. Today is still and partially cloudy. Booth and his wife will have a charming sail to N.Y. After dinner Gertrude and I took a charming ride out to the Binnewater by Lucas' turnpike, where I dug up more wild clematis and looked for my Mother's spectacles lost on the pic nic. From there we crossed over to the Marbletown road and came home through Hurley. It was a lovely sober day and we enjoyed it intensely. Our horse has made this summer another thing. I never saw the country looking greener and richer this time of year. My Father drove to Luren Kill today to be gone a couple of days. Our family consists of four, my Mother, Maurice, Gertrude and me.

Tuesday 20. Girard, John and I went out to the Glasco Bridge fishing after dinner. We had poor luck but it was a charming day. Letters from Lucy on the march. Last one from Camp Verde where they were awaiting orders.

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