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Wednesday Aug. 21. 1878. Worked at the shop all day making a bench. Sara came home in the evening from the Sea Shore. Drove Mary and Gertrude out to East Kingston.

Thursday 22. One of the loveliest days. Still and sober and full of color. Worked all day making a fishing rod. The Champion "Droppist" Mary Ann made a descent upon us. I have observed for several years that we have a great deal of fine weather in August and have ceased to consider it a hot month. So far the weather has been remarkably fine.
Friday 23. John, Girard, Maurice and I drove to Martins where we left the team and spent the day fishing in the creek. One of the same lovely days of which we have had so many this month. John caught a 1½ or 2 lb bass. Girard a smaller one. I hooked a big one tried but cut him. Had supper at Martins and got home at 9 well tired but having thoroughly enjoyed the day. Martin told us of chubs 20 inches long caught there and said by a day or two notice he would get line bait and go with us. So there is a bolster to our faith. A nice letter from Booth in which he says he had such a pleasant visit here.
Saturday 24. Worked all forenoon, burning out worms in the trees and in the carriage house. In the afternoon, wrote Durning a long letter and took Gertrude up to Mrs. Genl Smiths. Drove out on the Flatbush road while she was being fitted. We drove through Kingston. A lady crossed the street near us who I think was "Sue Waring" John & Maurice, Gertrude and I are invited to High Falls tomorrow, stay all night, Picnic at Lake Minnewaska next day and come home Tuesday. Pa returned having been to Pat Jesses.

Sunday 25. Rains. Wrote an article on "Noises" for the Freeman. Wrote to Booth.