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Wednesday. Me. Sept 6" 1878.

My Dear Gertrude.

I propose to keep in this way a sort of diary and to send it to you as opportunity occurs and I want you to preserve it as I shall keep no other. We arrived at Mattawmkiag, the end of our railroad journey last night where our Chief Guide, Sanford met us. After dinner we drove to Medway 10 miles where we take three more guides each having a canoe or "birch". All our preparations are completed here, provisions &c. Staid here over night and in the morning of Saturday 7" started for Lake Milinoket [[Millinocket]]. We have a stout wagon and good horses which take our traps to a point on the west branch of the Penobscot about 13 miles from here where the birches are to take us, a birch for

[[Milinoket]] stream which we ford and where there is a farm and a carry of 2 miles to the West Branch of the Penobscot. Our things are taken over and unloaded and the teams go back the 2 miles and bring over the three other birches which have come up by this time. A camp is built by the guides, a canvas one, Supper of fried Pork, potatoes tea and hard bread is prepared and pitched into by as hungry a set of fellows as you can imagine and by 8 oclock we are all sound asleep. At 11o'clock my pork awakens me and Wil Osborn and I poke the fire and stand around for an hour when we turn in again and sleep until 5. When the guides turn out and breakfast is got. This is Sunday and we stay here all day to rest. Mr. Yeisley and I talk on religion and I define my belief as well as I can and   

Transcription Notes:
Transcription starts on the right page and ends on the left.