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Monday 16 - Service Sunday evening. Picture. Yeisley reading & praying & guides in tent Yeisley left for home. Williams went in for letters - Tour round the lake. Visit the farm. Stevens farm - cleared 20 years ago. Grown up again- select a new camp Beautiful view of Katahdin and islands- sand beach, cold spring brook- Plenty of ducks. Fish for pickerel- no success. Return to camp. Wind -Head ache but not severe- slept well- [[crossed out]] Tuesday [[/crossed out]] Wednesday 18. Rained in morning. Cleared a little & we moved our camp to Stevens farm. Lovely spot- Fine view of Katahdin cold brook - sandy beach & near islands- Men went back for rest of things. cleared off bright. Wind began to blow from S.W. Returned about 4. William Boynton with them. Was to have been back last night but left some things & had to return. Brought me 2 letters from Gertrude, one from Taylor one from Booth-