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afternoon. Decided to leave for home tomorrow. Thursday Oct. 3. Wind blew from W. pretty hard when we awoke but packed up and wind lulling left at 10 for Ambajejus & Pemadumcook. Camped below thoroughfare on the sand. Hard bed. Friday Oct. 4. Passed the lakes & the camp and got as far as just above Uncle George McCauslins where we camped and Saturday 5 reached Medway in our birches about 10 A.M. Had dinner, packed hastily, got our letters and glad enough to hear that all our friends were well & happy, had dinner, parted with John and left in birches. Georges & William Boyntons for Mattawamkeag where we took the afternoon train for Bangor where Church stopped over and I went to Boston reaching there Sunday morning, Oct 6.

Dinner of roast duck. Sugar & tea getting low. Will be out if the wind continues so that William cannot get to Medway - Monday 23. Left for Lake Katahdin - went to mouth of Togue outlet in birches & then [[strikethrough]] walked, got back [[/strikethrough]] camped for the night & left birches. Next morning Tuesday 24 left on foot & men packed. Got lost. Reached Katahdin lake about 5½ - camped in old camp. Shower in the night. Wednesday 25. John went to Sherman - caught some small trout at outlet. Sent letter to Gertrude. Thursday 26. Got up at 5½ & George & I went fishing on the raft we made yesterday afternoon up to the place where Gifford caught large trout last year a mile by water. Could not get a ride. Returning stopped at the mouth of the brook where we built the raft and caught three large ones, caught 2 at once the largest one 18 inches long - saw two caribou swimming in the lake. After they got out some distance turned and came back.

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