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Friday 27. Began to rain about 3'oclock yesterday & rained very hard - John did not come. Church trying to fry rice cakes in the rain - cleared off in the night with high north wind which has continued all day - Went out to fish at 6 A.M. Wind too high - out again after breakfast - wind still blowing hard - got back & found Johnson and another man, Moses some body who brought in half a bushel of potatoes 14 miles for a dollar. Queer, cock eyed fellow. Had breakfast & returned. John & George have gone with part of our traps on the way to the basin where we go tomorrow. Church fixed my pipe with part of an old tin can, bone of an owls wing, some solder from a tin kettle, rosin from a spruce, a file and a pair of scissors - full of resources & very skillful - John bro't in supplies, Tea, sugar, tobacco, coffee, rice, Eggs, apples &c and a bottle of vinegar for me.

Saturday 28. Left for the basin. Wind blowing gale from N. Reached there 3.30 - comfortable camp.

Sunday 29. Fine, still morning. Left for the summit of Katahdin after breakfast & reached top in an hour & 3/4 [[strikethrough]] half [[/strikethrough]] our course for most part in a dry bed of a stream. Had an exceptionally fine, clear, still day. Got back to camp about 3 - same time to descend as to ascend. One faces toward homeward now and I confess I feel pleasure at the thought.

Monday 30. Left the basin at 8 & came down to the Reed camp 7 miles to dinner. Staid over night a mile below the dam & 10 miles from the basin. Provisions getting low. George talks about the "drive" - Tuesday Oct. 1 Reached the birches at 10.30 - The men went back 2 or 3 miles for parts of the pack. Sandy Stream a beautiful, clean water but cannot catch a trout - Camped at foot of camp. Wednesday Oct. 2. Came to our camp on Millinocket. Foggy morning - beautiful effects. Reached there at 9. Found some one had used the camp, broke the table &c - Funny story last night about bear in camp with his feet on hot coals. Beautiful still day. Made an oil sketch in the 

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