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we came up the hill. Maurice, John Andrews and I went over to John McEntees before tea. It rained quite hard when we came home. This afternoon I wrote to Laura, to Booth and to Ben Butter. My eyes trouble me so that I cannot use them much at night.
Monday Nov. 18. 1878. It has rained all day. This forenoon I made a vane for the flag staff and gilded it. Lucy, Andrews and Sedgwick went to Wilmington by the morning train. Robinson came to see about putting up the flag staff but it rained so that he postponed it until tomorrow. This afternoon I put in some panes of glass, glued some broken furniture and mended som china. I received a letter from Mrs. Taylor dated Berlin Nov. 1. Just after receiving my note announcing Gertrudes death. Taylor is very ill and her letter was a sad one. Gertrudes death was a great shock to them coming as it did in the midst of their own troubles. It made me feel so badly to read it. I was looking over some old letters when Sade handed me hers and had just read one of Gertrudes of two years ago. My sorrow all came to me so sharply.
Tuesday 19. The men came this morning to put up the flag staff but a good part of the day was spent on fitting it and getting it together and this evening it is all ready, with the shears up, to raise it in the morning I boxed my plaster Medallion which Gertrude  and Weir had promised to Alice two years ago, and sent it to her by express. Sara had a letter from her today and I read it this evening full of love and tender respect for Gertrude. Her letters are very sweet to me now. The weather has cleared and it is still and mild.
Wednesday 20. It has been a grey day with a little rain in the morning. Robinson came however with two men and we hoisted the staff in position and this evening had two thirds of the concrete in. It is very satisfactory and tomorrow we hope to finish it. I have worked pretty hard at it but all this interests me and keeps my thoughts from myself. I had a very sweet and friendly letter from Mrs. Weir. Wrote to Mr. + Mrs. Weir. 

Thursday 21. We finished securing the flag staff today and now there only remains the taking away the shears and sodding around the base. I have