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all the way down. I reached my studio before 12 o'clock. Major and Julia called in the afternoon. Mary came to see me before lunch. I have painted all afternoon on the little head of Carrie which looks like her. Felt badly all day and about dinner time was almost sick. Mary gave me some mix and I feel better this evening. Went to the Council meeting. Appropriated $50 towards paying Jim Talbots funeral expenses and reduced the  commission on the sale of pictures from the Academy from 10 p. ct. to 6. No letter from Lucy and they have not come as they proposed today. 

Tuesday Feb. 11. 1879. I felt very badly yesterday but feel quite well today. Went to see Gertrudes picture this morning which Loop has been painting upon, putting in the lace and the shoulders. It is very pretty, is not quite finished but I am to have it in a day or two. Took the curtain brackets down town to have them strengthened and walked back. Painted the rest of the day on Carrie Wheelers little picture and began a little one of Gertrude from her photograph. I want to practice a little for I want to paint a picture of Gertrude. Pinchot came to see me. It was raining hard and is pouring this evening. Went to the "G. B. Club" dinner. There were fifteen present. Gifford did not come. Reid was there and we talked a good deal after dinner. He is going to ask me to dine with him quietly soon. Marbury is very amusing. He looks like a little Santa Claus. I sat between Nash and Judge Sedgwick. They all like to hear Reid talk and when he says anything they all listen. The Cipher business was lightly touched upon. These dinners are very charming; very quiet, never boisterous and always interesting. Wrote to Sara after I got back. No letter from Lucy. 

Wednesday 12. Lucy & Andrews came from Washington [[strikethrough]] yester [[/strikethrough]] this morning while we were at breakfast at Marys. I have had no opportunity to talk with Lucy. She and John lunched with me and Eastman also who happened in. Have painted a little on the two little heads, Carrie & Gertrude. John, Lucy and I went to the San Francisco minstrels [[strikethrough]] last night a [[/strikethrough]] this evening.

Thursday 13. John & Lucy staid at my rooms, had breakfast and went home at 9 o'oclock by Wallkill Valley. Lucy talked just enough with me to revive some things that have made me very unhappy but I have tried to work and forget. Had a lovely letter from Sara. Took a long walk after they went and tried to drive away my torturing thoughts. Came back and painted on the little heads which I am practicing on. Wheeler called. They want me to come down there. Joe Tomkins came to Marys while we were at dinner. He came over a few days ago. He looks much better. Called on the Stoddards.  Mrs. Stoddard like her old self. I feel depressed tonight

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