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their way home from Hudson and in the seat with Julia a Mrs. Hoes (as I understand the name) & her husband with the Major) She was a very petty interesting woman and I talked with her most of the way down. I dined at Whitelaw Reids with his niece, Mrs Taylor & Lily & Stedman. Reid has a beautiful house and he showed me all over it. Mrs. Taylor & Lily went away early & Mr. Walter Phelps & his wife came in and a Mr. Boardan and we all went together to Cyrus Fields grand reception given on the 25" anniversary of the Atlantic Cable Co. There was a great crowd and crush. I saw Baker who asked me how my wife was. He seemed so shocked when I told him and it distressed me. Eastman, Gifford and I went around to the Century and smoked a cigar and it was past 1 o'clock when I got to bed. I came from home with a head ache but in the afternoon I took a half bottle of champagne and stopped it so that I was able to go through the evening comfortably. I do not feel very bright this morning however. 

[[clipping]] Owen McEntee, a centenarian, died recently in Waterloo township, this county, aged 110 years. He was eight years old when the declaration of independence was promulgated, and 30 years when Washington died at Mt. Vernon.  Up to two years ago his health was excellent, and he performed a good deal of manual labor for a person of his years. Throughout his life he indulged in the moderate use of spirituous liquors. He died from heart disease. Jackson Patriot. [[/clipping]]

[[strikethrough]] Wednesday [[/strikethrough]] Tuesday Mar. 12 1879. I keep painting on Gertrudes heads but to no satisfaction. Still I cannot leave them. I think now I will put them aside for awhile and go at them again by and by. Moore came in today. He told me he had eight hundred dollars he wanted to give me for my picture of clouds. I told him twice that would not buy it. He bought my November 12 & 20 Hussey Hill for $175. Says he has hired the Kurtz Gallery for two years and is going to have a permanent exhibition of American Art. If he were a strong reliable man it would be the thing to do but I have no confidence in him. Gifford invited me last night at Cyrus Fields to dine with them & Mary this evening and go to the opera. I dressed and went up there but he meant tomorrow. However it was the night of the G. B. Club dinner and so we both went there. We dined at Martinelli's and had a good dinner. Wrote to Sade.
Wednesday 12. Booth came and made me a long visit today and told me all about his engagement to Miss 

[[clipping]] along the tide. The noise of the quiescent city came off in a sort of dull moan.  The lamps began to twinkle in the windows and the streets on shore; the lanterns of the ships at anchor in the stream showed redder and redder as the twilight fell.  The homesickness began to mount from Lydia's heart in a choking lump to her throat, for one must be very happy to endure the sights and sounds of the Summer evening anywhere. She had to shield her eyes from the brilliancy of the kerosene when she went [[note]] Howells in the "Lady of the Aroostook" [[/clipping]]

Transcription Notes:
missing one word in the Mar 12 section about the Kurtz Gallery exhibition