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Sunday April 1. 1879. President Seely of Smith College called in reference to a picture for the gallery of the College which he expected to get at a large reduction from my price. Nothing was concluded, but said he would come to see me  again. Sara, Mary and I went to the Union Square Theatre to see the Bankers Daughter with Sarah Jewett in the principal role. It was very well acted all through. After the play I went to the club and Stedman and I had some oysters together. Julia Vaux came home from Syracuse (Monday).

Monday 2 Julia came today and Gertrude Tomkins also. I have worked on my picture a good deal. Booth came to bid me good bye before starting for Chicago tomorrow to be gone six weeks. Tuttle came while he was here and just as Booth went Hubbard came with a Rev Mr.      and two ladies who made a long call which they seemed to enjoy. After they went a Rev Mr [[McGuilly?]] of Greenfield Mass came. He seemed familiar with my pictures and spent more than an hour with me looking at all of them. I had a very pleasant interview with him and I think he thoroughly enjoyed his call. Went to the Standard Theater with Gertrude, Sara and Marion to see "Pinafore" I had a letter from Mrs. Taylor yesterday written in a brave spirit. 

Thursday 3. Went to the Academy with Sara, Mary & Tula. The afternoon was stormy and dismal and I have had a feeling of great depression all day. I wrote to my father this morning. Thoughts of Gertrude come to me so often now with a crushing sense of her loss and I long for her more and more every day. I had a letter from John Sanford today. This evening Mary had Annie & Fred & Julia at her home. I went to the Club for an hour to the trustees meeting. It is wintry cold again tonight. 
Thursday 4. Another depressing forenoon. Wrote to Lucy got to work after a time.  Tula, Marian and Julia lunched with me. Mary & Calvert, Sara and I spent the evening at Annie Nortons. Had some visitors today who seemed to want to buy some pictures. They asked me the price  of several things but did not buy. 

Monday 14" Returned this morning after an absence since last Saturday 6" when I went to New Haven and visited Weir where I remained until Friday afternoon 11" While there Lily was home from Wellesley                           

Transcription Notes:
they are different people/he spells Sara differently using Sarah