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horse I bought for Gertrude. Called up at Eastman Johnsons in the evening but he had gone out. Called on Fred Sawyers wife and from there to the club.

Thursday Apl. 17" 1879. Another rainy day. I have not felt so depressed as I did yesterday. A nice letter from Laura and one from Sara. She had dreamed of being with dear Gertrude. She thinks of her constantly and misses her more and more. Last evening just before I left off painting I painted a little head of Lily French from the photograph I brought with me and it is quite like her. I painted a little on it today. Have been at work on the little picture for Mrs. Wheeler. Julia Dillon called to see me. Mary, Julia, Tula, Marion, Burger, King Putnam and young [[J?]] came and spent the evening at my studio. Smith of Springfield called to see me yesterday bringing me an article written by Mrs. Foote of [[strikethrough]] New Haven [[/strikethrough]] Springfield who came here with him a few weeks ago noticing my studio and Mr. Coopers picture. I had a talk with him about a notary exhibition and he believes with me it would be an excellent thing if properly organized. He would be the man to do it. I talked with Wood about it today.

Friday 18. Rained dismally all day. Remained in my room and painted on a little picture of Gertrude but not with success. Spent the evening at Marys

Saturday 19. A letter from Lucy but she had not got mine. She enclosed a letter from Mrs. Wilkins telling her Carrie is to be married on Thursday next 24" at 6 o'clock. Went home by four o'clock train. Jamie and Tom met me at the ferry.

Sunday 20. A bright beautiful morning but more snow on the mountains than I have seen before the past winter. Sara and I went to the Cemetery. I wanted to see how the early Spring visited Gertrudes last resting place and to give the man in charge of the cemetery instructions about some work I want done. He is to make a flower bed of Gertrudes grave bordered with turf and I am going to plant Petunias there. Also a little circular bed about the small hickory tree where I shall plant morning=glories and sweet peas. We could hardly notice as we stood weeping there that that dear woman I loved so well was sleeping below. While we there Sam Cuykendall and Joe Cornell came along and walked home with us. Called over with them to see John