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Friday Apl. 25th 1879.  Moore called to see me this morning I sold him my picture "The Wings of the Morning" for six-hundred dollars. He is to give me two hundred additional if he sells it for $1500. I hoped to get a great deal more but I need money and thought it wise not to refuse the offer. I wrote to J. Abner Harper yesterday telling him that as I was not able to set a price on my picture of "Clouds" when he was at my studio I had now settled upon a price and would be glad to talk with him about it if he could come to my room. I received a note from him today saying that at that time he felt inclined to purchase it but that he had bought several pictures since and did not care now to buy it. Have begun a new picture of falling leaves 24 x 48. called at Junius Henri Brownes this evening and went from there to Eastmans but he was out. Came to the Club and then to my room.

Saturday 26. Painted all day and went home by 4 o'clock train.

Sunday 27. Wrote to Booth, to Alice and to H.K. Brown. Sara and I went over to the country where the man had done the work I ordered and I planted sweet peas and morning glories. I could not realize that my darling lay below gradually mingling with the dust in which I hid these seeds. I did not see her put there and so I cannot think of her there. In the afternoon we took a ride out on the Greenkill road and got a quantity of arbutus. The grass is beginning to be green and the buds are swelling. Called on Johnnie & Nannie who think they will have to leave my house to my great regret. My visit home this time did not so utterly overcome me with such thoughts though I had many sharp pangs as I looked over some of Gertrudes things for her lace shawl which I am going to give to her mother and her Roman scarf for Alice.

Monday 28  I came back to town this morning bringing Girards wife with me who is to stay at Marys tonight. I brought some arbutus for Mary. Have painted all afternoon but it had been dark & rainy. A Miss Holloway from Chicago called to get pictures for their exhibition next September. When I went out to dinner found a card from Mrs. Capt. Chas. Porter (Carrie Wilkins telling me they were at the Hoffman House. Directly after dinner I called on them and spent an hour with them. Carrie did not look as pretty as she did the last time I saw her, but she is a very pretty woman. I had a very pleasant call and smoked a cigar with the Captain. I cannot help wondering if he knew or if she knew how much I had liked her. I got along with it much

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