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Monday May 5" 1879. Went home Saturday. Mary went in the train friday and Calvert at 11 oclock. Mary Gifford came down from Hudson and I met her at the ferry. Sunday she, Mary Sara and I went over to the cemetery that she might see where dear Gertrude sleeps, and when we returned Calvert, John McEntee and I started for Henry Hill. We went up the front and reached the top of the South peak but we had a [[fortifying?]] scramble. We returned by a good road down the west side finding beautiful arbutus and sanguinaria. Got home before four and dined at John McEntees. This was Calvert & Marys silver wedding day. How often Mary and Gertrude talked of how they would celebrate it. I am sure if dear Gertrude had been with us she would have done something to mark the day more than we did. I am so glad to have Mary Gifford with us. It seemed so much more cheerful at home with her and Calvert and Mary there. Calvert and I returned this morning. May is to come at 11 o'clock and Mary Gifford is coming with her as far as Pokeepsie. The hill was so beautiful this morning that I dreaded to return to town, but I expected Mrs. Weir and Emma to lunch with me. I had a note from her telling me that she could not came as Weir was not so well since his return. Have had many little things to attend to, writing notes & doing errands. Walked over to Wards studio and invited him to dine with the G.B. club tomorrow. Went up to see Hatfield about calling the attention of that Burton man to the picture I am painting. He came down to see it and said he would write to him today. I also after mature deliberation wrote a note to Marshall O. Roberts, calling his attention to my picture in the Academy, as he had told me he wanted one of my pictures. I dont think it will amount to much but I felt I ought to make that effort. Wrote to Booth. Went to the council meeting and from there to the reception at Moores on the opening of his new gallery at Kurtzs. His pictures looked well but the most of the people there seemed to be artists. I believe however it was for the artists and the Press. Gifford brought a Mr. Clark and introduced him to me as a man owning many American pictures and liking them. He proved to be a man McKinnon and I met on the Beaverkill two or three years ago. We did not fancy him at all although he invited us to fish and was polite to us

Tuesday 6. Mr. Clark came to see me and staid a long time. He took a decided fancy to the picture I am painting and said it was just what he had in his mind. I told him my price for it was $1000 but I would let him have it for $800. I think that is more than he wants to pay but he is coming again on Thursday to see my other picture which was at the club which I told him I would sell him for $500. Wrote to Sara and to Mrs. Weir. The G.B. club dined at the down town club and we had a satisfactory