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Rosendale near the Catholic Church got up by Annie Norton for their church. Met Mrs. Wellington of Boston and Miss   who has become a sister in some episcopalian order. Girard & Mary drove out.

Friday July 215. 1879. Sam Cuykendall came up last evening while we were away on an excursion with the officers of the Minnesota the training ship which has been lying for some time at the mouth of the creek. We left at 10 with a party of 40 or more invited guests and went to the top of Pine Hill where part of us visited this high plateau to the right and on our return tables were spread and an excellent collation was served. The day was cloudy and cool and we had a most satisfactory day enjoyed by all. Returning to Rondout about 5 the officers invited me to visit the ship. A tug had been telegraphed for and took us out when we were conducted through the frigate and left a little before six bidding the officers farewell as the ship leaves early tomorrow. I have thought so much of my darling in all these little pleasures and how she would have enjoyed them and graced them and added so much to their attractions. It seems to me I miss her more and more every day, particularly here where every thing reminds me of her. I cannot get used to being without her and I do not know what I am to do. I do not hear from Weir and can hardly understand it. I am very unhappy, and on return I found a letter from Mrs. Taylor full of sadness and one from Church to whom I wrote that I would come to see him on Monday. He is going to take his family to the Mountain House on Saturday but wants me to come Monday and stay until Mrs. Church returns friday

Saturday 26. Telegraphed Church this morning I would not come Monday and would write. Sent out my lists of pictures to St. Louis, Louisville, Chicago and Cincinatti. The weather has been threatening