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Tuesday Aug. 5" 1879. The weather is very warm but tempered by a breeze here on the hill. I painted the window at my studio and Frederick cut down some trees, among them the tulip tree in front of the house. It gave me a pang to see it fall for I could not help associating it with darling Gertrude, but it was in the way and it is better now that it is gone.

Wednesday 6. Mrs. Wellington of Boston, Annie Norton, Nannie and Miss Dela[[?]] dined here. Gertrude made her acquaintance in Boston and wrote me in one of her last letters about her. I had a letter from Weir this morning. He sent my glasses and they are now at his brothers at Sugar Loaf, Orange Co. He and his brother propose coming up to see me. I had a letter from Lily French this afternoon. It is two weeks since I wrote her. I answered her letter this evening. Sara Slifer and her little daughter are staying with us for a few days. She has a very ominous cough. Fechter the actor died Aug 4.

Thursday 7. The masons have been at work at my chimneys today and have nearly done except a little work in the morning. The man has been cutting trees during the 
forenoon and tomorrow I am to have my studio cleaned and ready to move in. I wrote to Mr. Pell and sent him Bayard Taylors "The bath." Had a postal card from Mrs. Morse regretting I did not come and telling me to come when I can. Aunt Anne & Mary were here to dinner and tea. A year ago today we had the pic-nic at Leggs Mills which Sara and Gertrude got up for Bowyer. I remember how pleased Gertrude was when I concluded to go. I am glad to have the memory of that lovely, happy day which she so thoroughly enjoyed and all the more that I was along.

Friday 8. A cool, lovely day. My work at the house all done and had Josephine clean out the studio after which I moved some of my things in. Henry cut out a view of the river and I am to cut two large chestnuts which will give me a fine view. Painted a sketch of the end of the porch and a bit of distance with hollyhocks in the foreground, for a back=ground for a picture. Am reading the Letters of Ninon de lenclos [[L'enclos]] to the Marquis de Sevigné. Gertrude read them a year ago and was much entertained. Have finished the first volume.