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Saturday Aug. 9. 1879. This has been one of those lovely August days which seem so like the early Autumn and of which we have not a few in this much abused month. I picked some morning-glories and put them in the blue Berlin vase and made a study of them, the first work in my new studio. It is a delightful place to work and I look forward to the greatest satisfaction in it. In the afternoon I began a copy of the sketch of Emma French which I want to give to her if it is successful. Little Louis Anderson is staying here. He has been here two or three days and says he is not going home at all. Telegraphed Church I would go to his house on Monday. Shortly after had a telegram from Gifford asking me if I was going to Maine with Church. Answered I was and would be at his house Monday afternoon, to come there. This afternoon had a letter from Gifford saying he and his wife would go to Maine if I would as he wanted a fisherman along. Has an invitation to go to Rangely with Dr Otis but will go to Maine if I do. Is going to N.Y. Monday to draw his picture of the Parthenon. I have thought of Darling Gertrude so much today all in our silent little house and of the interest she would have taken in all I have done there. Sometimes I seem to accustom myself to her absence, but the sight of some familiar thing intimately connected with her makes me feel how almost impossible it is to live without her and makes me turn from the future with dread. 

Sunday 10. A most charming day, still, cool and sober. I think I never saw the river so beautiful. I went over to my studio after breakfast and finished the copy of the picture of Emma which I intend for her. My studio is delightful. I never had so good a place to paint nor so good a light. Wrote to Gussie, to Rev. Austin Craig, Adelaide Churchills husband and to Rae Durfee. Mrs. Wellington sent me her blank verse translation of Andersens Moon Pictures to look over to see if I thought they could be illustrated. I read them this afternoon and wrote her a note and also acknowledged the sonnet she wrote on dear Gertude last fall

Monday 11. Went up to Churchs by 2 oclock train. He had gone to N.Y. on Friday but was expected home Tuesday evening. Tuesday Mrs Church and I went to Hudson