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and lunched with May Gifford. Her mother had gone to the sea shore but her father was there and Katy Wilkinson as well as Alices little baby a darling, plump little thing who walks all about. We saw her last year when Gertrude and I went to Boston, only about three months old then

Wednesday Aug 13. 1879. As Church did not come last 
night we drove up to Hudson this morning to tell Gifford. Met him and his wife in the street and he and I walked down to the station where I took the 
11.32 train for home. Found Mrs. Wellington and Julia Dillon waiting for the day boat at Rhinebeck, Mrs. W. on her way home. Letters from Mrs. Sawyer saying they would be here Friday or Saturday, Weir, May Weir, Pell and Church from N.Y. Went over to my studio and painted on Emmas picture and I think finished it. Henry has cut the two large chestnuts in front in my absence. Wrote to Mrs. Weir and to Church. Shall go to 
N.Y. tomorrow.

Friday 15. Went to N.Y. yesterday by the Powell and returned this evening. Got some things for the Maine trip and ordered my boots. Packed some of the furniture in ou N.Y. parlor which is to come up tomorrow for my studio. I had so many vivid reminders of dear Gertrude as I was at work getting these things ready to bring back here. Some of them we took down there with us more than twenty years ago. Every thing in that room is associated with her and it was very sad for me to commence to dismantle it. So many things which her own dear hands placed here - it gives me a pang to disturb them. Mary was to have come up with me but concluded not to as Calvert is suffering from a boil. A year ago today we had our pic nic at Binnewater, and the Bartons 

Saturday 16. It has been a rainy day. I went over to my studio and tried to paint on a picture of dear Gertrude which I began in N.Y. but to no purpose and I came over home with a feeling of great discouragement. I found a letter from Lily French which caused me still more unhappiness. Mr. & Mrs. Sawyer came this evening by the Powell. A letter from Gifford saying he and his wife will go to Maine with 
our party.