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also Mr. Lindsley and the pastor Mr. Willard. It has been a beautiful day

Monday Aug. 25" 1879. A rainy day. Mr. Sawyer left for Clinton. I had a charming letter from Emma French. Painted some morning-glories in my picture with the figure and vase and this afternoon painted on Gertrudes picture over at my studio. A year ago today we started on our lovely trip to Minnewaska and Mohonk which dear Gertrude so thoroughly enjoyed. It rained that day too but it cleared in the afternoon and we drove to High Falls. Have written to Emma French and told her I would send her picture to Sugar Loaf if there is an express office there and if not to Chester. Attended a school meeting at the school house which was adjourned to Wednesday evening. James Diamond was buried today.

Tuesday 26. Another cool and sober day with fine cloud effects, a day full of memories. I have been over at my studio painting a little on Gertrudes portrait which grows to look more like her and yet is not satisfactory. Henry has been at work on my place carrying up and piling the posts he cut from the horse chestnut trees and clearing away the brush and debris. Sara came over and we went through the empty rooms of my house up stairs and indulged in many memories of dear Gertrude. It has been one of the days when I have thought of her all through the day and missed her so sadly and have felt the dull pain at my heart which cannot give up longing for her. I had a letter from Eastman, one he wrote on the 13" at East Hampton and had just discovered in his pocket. He spoke of my studio and of the satisfaction it would be to me, and of my going through the empty house and seemed to think I bear all this better than he could have believed. A telegram came from Church telling me we must start from N.Y. the 2" instead of the 3" as we are to meet at Mattawamkeag on the morning of the 3". I answered it and shortly after came a letter which I have answered this evening. My father is not well. I hope he will be better before I leave. He was ill last year when I went away and it caused me great uneasiness. A letter from Mr. Pell, giving an account of a trip to Coney Island.

Wednesday 27" Still another delightful day. I spent the forenoon cleaning out the path round my house and after that packing my trunks for my Maine trip. In the afternoon Mrs. Sawyer, Mrs. Davis, my mother and took the ride round Hussey Hill by St. Renny and returned by the river road. We all enjoyed it very much and the whole way was full of memories of dear Gertrude with whom it was a favorite ride. A letter from Mrs. Wellington wanting to know if