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I would illustrate her translations of Andersens Moon Stories. A letter from Eastman, one from [[Downing?]] and one from Gifford. Sent Emma French her picture today by Express and wrote her a short note this evening. A year ago today we came home from our lovely trip to Lake Minnewaska, I remember we had our supper with John and Nannie. Wrote to Mrs. Wellington.

Thursday Aug. 28. 1879. The weather is something phenominal. Today has been a perfect day. I superintended some additional cutting of trees on the side hill at my place this forenoon and now have a charming view of the river. Wrote a long letter to Mrs. Bayard Taylor and this evening Mrs. Sawyer, my mother, Sara and I took tea at Mrs Lindsleys. Mrs. Winter came up on the Powell on our invitation to spend Sunday. A very interesting letter from Gussie in which she speaks of dear Gertrude and our life over at our house. Mrs. Winter brought a brief note from Gifford saying they would by the 11 o'clock train on Tuesday instead of 8. o'clk. I am getting my place in nice order and feel the greatest interest in every thing I do there.

Friday 29. Finished my work over at my place for the present and paid Henry. He has done a great deal in the ten days. We built up the fence below Van Deusens barn today, took away the brush and dug around the pear trees and rose bushes as well as cleaned out the road. Mrs Legrand Abbey, her mother Mrs. Goodrich, Aunt Christina and Julia were here at tea and we walked her to my place after tea. They all went to an organ concert in the Presbyterian Church except Mrs. Sawyer and me. We sat and talked of dear Gertrude and wept together over our memories of her. We talked of Taylor too and I read some of his poems. I sent the box today, by express, containing her things which her mother selected. A postal card from Pell saying Emmas photograph had arrived. Wrote to Alice. This has been a pretty warm day.

Saturday 30. Another of the beautiful days with the wind from the North. Mrs. Sawyer left us for Pokeepsie on the Eagle on her way home and I regretted to have her go. Girard and I went out to Glen Erie fishing leaving here after three o clock.