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I would illustrate her 
stories. A letter from East

one from Gifford. Sent
by Express and wrote her
year ago today we came
Lake Minnewaska, I 
John and Nannie. - Mot

Thursday Aug. 28, 1879. The
..inal. Today has been
save additional cutting
place this foreman and
river. Wrote a long letter
evening Mrs. Sawyer, my
Mrs. Lindsleys, Mrs. Miss
our invitation to spend
ter from Gussie in wh
and our life over at 
brief note from Gifford Sa
train on Tuesday insti
place in nice order and
everything I do there.

Friday 29. Finished my
cut and paid Henry. 
ten days. We built up
body, took away the 
and was [[?]] as well
grand abbey, her mother 
Julia were here at tea
after tea. They all went 
byterian Church except 
talked of dear Gertrude
ones of her. We talked of Taylor too and I read some of her things which her mother selected. A [[?]] came from Pell saying Emmas photograph had arrived. Wrote to Alice. This has been a pretty warm day - 

Saturday 20. Another of the beautiful days with the wind from the North. Mrs. Sawyer left us for Pokeepsie on the Eagle on her way home and I regretted to have her go. Girard and I went out to Glen Erie fishing leaving here after three oclock.

amid great demonstrations. John accompanied them as far as the dam - I gave them a letter to Booth. We went out in the big canoe and I caught a pickerel  After lunch painted the name on the large canoe "Isabel," after Mr. Church Laid in a skil[[?]] of the [[?]].  Rained slightly towards evening.


Wednesday 17. Threatening weather. Worked on my picture of the camp until the rain drove me out. Rained very hard but we hope the Leycesters have reached midway. I thought sadly of dear Gertrude last night the last thing before I went to sleep and I hoped I might dream of her but I did not. I dreamed of being with Bayard Taylor. Was not nice and feared I should have a headache today.

Thursday 18. We all went over to Sandy Stream  The wind blew a gale before we reached there - We went up stream to McEisters Eddy where the party landed and Gifford and I fished. We caught only two fine trout, mine weighed a pound. When we returned at 2 the rain had lulled.

Friday 19. Wind blew hard. Made two or three pencil sketches. Towards evening we all went out in the large birch, a lively evening and fine echoes. Baynton did not return. I did not much expect him. Made a little sketch of the camp and got the autographs of all the party to send to Lucy for Mrs. Ray.

Saturday 20. The coldest night we have had so far. The morning grey but calm. Gifford, John and I started for trout pond in the large birch and spent the day there, taking our lunch of frizzled pork, tea, [[?]] & hard bread in a large sack. John built us a raft but the logs were water soaked and it rolled about a great deal. We caught only a few small trout although all the