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within a few miles of St. John most uninteresting. Bought a St. John paper a short time before we reached there, and saw the arrival of Orman and Laura at the Hotel Dufferin. When I reached the Hotel they were out to tea but soon Orman and Genl. Warner the American Consul at whose house they were came up for me and I went there and spent the evening with them.

Thursday 9. Laura and I took a ride this forenoon crossing the river and arriving in the suburbs. The place is very picturesquely situated and the St. John river looks very interesting. The weather is still very warm and I am wearing my summer clothes. It was a year ago last night that dear Gertrude and I arrived home. How vividly and sadly I remember it all. I try not to think of those last days for I cannot get reconciled to their bitterness.

Tuesday 10. A year has gone since Dear Gertrude left me. I have though of her all day but have talked but little of her. Words seem so poor and weak to me remembering her last hours which all came back to me so vividly today as a thing of yesterday. I long to be at home. The unhappy news from Maurice adds to my anxiety and when I suffer myself to reflect I can find much to discourage - still I feel strong to meet trouble, stronger than I ever did before.