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We caught a few nice black bass, and did not get home until 9 oclock but the moon was at its full and the night was charming. Downing came up on the Powell. I had a letter from Gifford saying that on account of the illness of his brother Will he and his wife and Mary would not be able to go with us to Maine now but if possible would come later. This is a great disappointment but I have been prepared for disappointments.

Sunday Aug. 31. 1879. Fred Norton, John, Annie & Julia called and went with me over to my studio. Downing and I took a ride along the river road to Flat-bush and back by the Alms House. In the evening we all went over to Jansen Andersens to eat melons and peaches. Wrote to Pell and to Eastman Johnson.

Monday Sept. 1. 1879. Have just taken Mrs. Winter to the Powell. I leave for New York on my way to Maine by 7.20 train.

Sunday Oct. 26. 1879. I returned Friday evening 24 having been absent since Sept. 1. After I came out of the woods, I went up to Hillsboro to visit Gussie and her family where I remained until last Monday having had a very pleasant visit. I came to College Hill where I spent a day and a night. Alice and I went in to Boston to call on Mrs. Wellington but she was ill in bed and could not see us. On Thursday I started for Nantucket to visit Eastman who was expecting me but misled by an advertisement in the paper I was too late for the boat, and as no boat went again until Saturday I got off at New Bedford and came to N.Y. by the Fall River boat arriving there on Friday morning. Breakfasted at my studio and went to see Mary. Mr. Wells told me he had let my parlor to Henry the artist if I did not object. Came home by the 4. P.M. train where all were glad to see me and where I am glad to be again after my long absence. The weather is cold and there is snow on the mountains. It snowed here Friday and we had the first severe frost of the season. Yesterday I was over at my house and spent an