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him to some of his responsibilities and we had an unpleasant and heated talk. I do believe he should not have been allowed to lead the selfish life he always has. Dear Gertrude is beyond the reach of this trouble but how my heart has ached for her all day. I have been looking over some of her things in her drawers and reading some letters and I have shed many bitter tears here alone in my room. I wrote to Mary Gifford and could not help saying a great deal about dear Gertrude. Alice Marys niece has named her little baby after Gertrude and I wrote to tell her how deeply I was touched by it. John and Nannie came up a little while this evening. The twenty fifth anniversary of our wedding occurred a week ago today. It passed without my being aware of it. I was in New York.

Monday Nov. 10th 1879. A beautiful day and warm as was yesterday. Painted on my picture all day. Maurice staid at home all day by our advice. I fear he will lose his place as Mr. Marseilles sent for him to come to see him tomorrow. While I was painting Sara came to my studio with Mary
who came up from Fishkill, looking ill from a severe cold. A letter from Gussie and a note from a Miss Anne Le Fevre on instruction in Art.

Tuesday 11. It has rained a little today. I went with
Maurice down to the Freeman office. He was afraid he would be sent away but he got a reprimand and a warning. He is very penitent and is determined to regain his lost ground. Told me he meant to go and take the pledge again. Painted all day on my figure picture. This evening wrote to little Louise Weir from whom I had a letter today and to Pell. Had a letter from Miss Hallowell regretting my picture was not sold.

Wednesday 12. Rained again today. Worked all day on my picture. We meant to have gone to Palenville but will wait now for a fine day. Wrote to Miss Hallowell in answer to a letter I got from her a few days ago. The weather is as warm as summer.

Thursday 13. Sent my beaver skins to Pember & Prouty for sale from whom I had a note saying they were in good demand now. Painted on my picture and I think forwarded it. Did