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some work over at the house. I do not seem to have any enthusiasm in my work and my life seems to lack an aim. Dear Gertrude used to help me at such times with her nice and loving counsel and encouragement. How much that made life worth living left the Earth with her. I grieve for her a hundred times a day, whenever I think of her and I think of her so much - Today I gave Mary two of her dresses, one her grey striped silk to make over for Marion and her plum colored cashmere which she says she will have made over for herself. - There was a beautiful effect this evening. The sun shone out from under a dense cloud with a rich red light and the opposite shore of the river was very beautiful. Aunt Christina came today for a visit.

Friday Nov. 14. 1879. Painted a little sketch of last evenings effect, worked a little on the figure picture and as the day was very dark worked a little trimming my grape vines until I cut my thumb. How much more cheerful the house seems when we have some one with us. We shall miss Mary very much when she goes. It rains every day so that we cannot go to Palenville as we intended to. Tonight it is raining again. A poor man came to me while I was trimming my vines with stove polish to sell. I was busy and did not notice him closely but after he went I thought how dear Gertrude would have inquired about him and so I stopped him and talked with him. He said he had consumption and was very poor. Had a family and found it very difficult to make a living. He looked very feeble. I was glad I spoke kindly to him and I bought some of his polish for which he thanked me.

Saturday 15. I painted some small sketches this forenoon for Christmas presents. After dinner Mary, Sara and I went out for a walk. It was like a summer day, the sun shone brightly and the breeze from the south felt refreshing. We went through Ludlums woods and out as far as the hill opposite the Alms house where I got the sketch of the picture I sent to England. The landscape was very interesting and the skies fine. On our return we gathered bouquets of dried weeds and Sumacks [[sumacs]] which were very pretty in color. It began to rain just as we started to return and rained greatly a good part of the way home.

Sunday 16. A beautiful picturesque day. How much more vivid is the color than in summer. Made a sketch of Mary. Should like to get a good portrait of her. I think I made a fair beginning. Wrote a long letter to Lucy, a note to Mrs. Rood, a note to Julia Dillon