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long talk with her about a monument to Taylor and about his last illness. Went from there to the Century to see Collins about the dinner of the G.B Club. Hubbard was in this evening. He told me he had written a decisive letter to his widow and he directed it in my room, at least he thought it would be decisive

Wednesday Dec. 3. 1879. Painted two little pictures today, one for Loop. The other I intended for Lucy but I dont think it entirely  a success. Went to see Booth this evening as Shylock and Petruchio with his brother James's daughter, a beautiful girl, as Kate. Edwina sent Julia and Lillie Tayor a box and Daring and I went along. Edwina sat in the box with us.
Thursday 4. The weather very warm. Booth came to see me. Vedder also. Vedder and I went down town together, I to attend to the G.B. Dinner with Collins at Butlers office. Mr. Gordon asked me to dine with him. Bought a few Christmas presents today. Have painted a little changing a picture and putting in a figure. Dined with Mr. Gordon. Miss Campbell of [[?]], Canada was there. After dinner we walked down to the club to attend a meeting of the trustees.

Friday 5. Called to see Mr. Huntington this morning to call his attention to the importance of appointing a proper nominating committee at the Century. He was not well We went to his studio and selected certain names and he said he would go to the meeting if only for a short time. Did some errands. Booth sent me a box for this evening. Wrote notes to Mrs Gifford and Mrs. Wheeler inviting them to go with me this evening. A Mr. Gibson called to see about making a drawing of my studio for the Art Journal. Found him a very pleasant man and had a pleasant interview with him. Found he lives in our buildings in 18th St. Mr. Skinner called and left a sketch he is wanting me to look over. Mary come with Miss Stillman and Miss Nixon called while they were here. Dined with Gifford and with the Wheelers we went to see Booth as Bertuccio, Marion Booth as Fiordelisa. I never cared much for the play but this evening I enjoyed it greatly. There was an immense audience and the great house being packed to its utmost capacity, and the people most enthusiastic. It recalled the Old Winter Garden days. Booth was at his best. [[?]] Levick acted very nicely as did Marion Booth and Martin Fritz Williams made a hit as a page. At the end Booth brought all three with him before the curtain.

Saturday 6. Rained hard all day and thunder showers in this evening. I painted a little on my figure in my landscape but it was too dark to work. Weir came in about noon. Attended the monthly meeting of the Century. Coleman & Vedder for whom I get