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tried to comfort me, but I had to pass through an agony of tears before I could compose myself. What does it all mean and am I thus to suffer always. I hope it is but a passing cloud of depression and that there are physical reasons for it. 

Tuesday 30. Marion and Alice went to N.Y. today. The ice moved and made the crossing bad just before they left but they went over in the little tug and fortunately got there in time. I have felt better today. Sara and I called on Mrs. Nicholas Elmendorf in Kingston who wanted me to look at two pictures of Niagara by Vanderlyn which she wants to sell. They were good in color but I am afraid she would not get much for them and she evidently thinks them very valuable. The home was very interesting and she had some beautiful old furniture. Her trio daughters came in while we were there. The eldest one struck me as a sweet and interesting woman. We stopped a moment to call on Miss Vanderlyn but she was not in. We went in a moment for Sara to see the picture of is nice by John Vanderlyn. The two panoramas lay in the hall in great long boxes where they have been for years We called also at Mrs. Reynolds.' Saw Miss R. and just before we came away Mrs. R and Miss Wynkoop came in from some charitable errand. In the evening I felt much more serene and contented and in every way felt better. When we came home Pa told me he had just received a telegram announcing the death of Uncle Philip today. We have not heard from him for a long time and it came to us at last with a shock although we have wondered he  

Transcription Notes:
did not transcribe partial page 128; full page 128 is displayed later